Hi lovely people out there !
Its already semester break yihhhaaaa. taktau nak happy ke sedih sebenarnya.
but for sure im thankful :)
*forever happy-go-lucky classmates*
Final exam done. E/Alsp also done. and im already at home sweet home.
Lega banyak banyak bila dah habis semuanya ni. Too many hworks assignments lab reports presentations blablabla such a prime minister kan aku ni busy sokmo hekhek padahal takde la busy mane pun hihi.
Sooooooooooo. hip hip hoorray ! im done try my best through this semester. all ups and down, let me know my limits. Thank you people, thank you sweethearts, thank you soulmate, thank you loves, thank you everybadeh ! You guys really made my days :)
and now im thinking of what to do along this two months of break. idk what about others but im the kind of person who always bored being at home -________-. thats why i hate semester break actually. (not really)
yalah because i cant go anywhere at weekdays , moms and dads are working till evening adik adik sekolah kakak buat hal sendiri im lifeless enough :'/
i wish i really enjoy my semester break doing the things i really wanna do it hoyyeah such as shopping , having trip to somewhere, spending times with loves and many more.
as me and my family didnt share the same interests, hobbies and so on, we are lacking of good quality time being spent together. everybody was busy with themselves. and im alone...................................