Monday, 29 July 2013

@#$%^&!*@(% !

Geramnyee hr nii. luah kat you je lah Mr. Blog.
Maybe okay sikit kot lepas ni.
hurm.. imma freakin mad. grrrrr
damn it !
imma totally mad.
u know, there was nothing bet. us,
so so pretending like we are ! 
*tak payah nak bajet caring sangat*
huh. stop it. 
please stop it !
i really hate those kinda of people.
you've ruined my day.
Gracias !
This is mine.
My belog okay !
Sukahati i lah nak tulis ape pun.
There is nothing to do with you !
Bakuman lah ape lah -.-
*memang aku minat anime pun* lol.
His words seem like he force me to do that.
Rasanya aku dh hntr bom kat that people.
Its my life. Not you. Please noted that. Huh.

1 comment:

  1. uish. sabar sabar. puasa nih. nnt lepas buka baru sambung marah. hihi. :)
